Faculty Information Details

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All data is as of July 22, 2024.


Affiliation Hiroshima University Hospital(Medical)
Discipline Gastroenterology
Academic Degrees Hiroshima University Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Research Fields Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Basic medicine; Human genetics
Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Clinical surgery; Digestive surgery
Research Keywords Cancer Genome Medicine / Hereditary Cancer, Genetic Counseling / Chemotherapy / Surgical Oncology / Colorectal Cancer / Minimum Invasive Surgery
Comments After graduating from Hiroshima University in 1989 and joining Hiroshima University Second Surgery, I conducted surgical training for five years and was instructed by Professor Akira Kikuchi of Hiroshima University First Biochemistry (currently Professor of Molecular Pathology Biochemistry, Osaka University). Under the program, I completed my doctoral course by conducting research on the signal transduction mechanism of RAS, a low molecular weight GTP-binding protein.
After that, under the supervision of Professor Eric R. Fearon of the Division of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan, USA, I was engaged in research on colorectal cancer-related genes and colorectal cancer disease model mice for eight years as a Post-doctoral fellow.
After returning to Japan in 2006, I worked as a surgeon at Hiroshima University Hospital and Kure Medical Center, and conducted research on colorectal cancer-related genes as well as the treatment and research on hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome.
I was appointed as a specially appointed professor at the Department of Genetic Medicine, Hiroshima University Hospital in April 2019.
I was appointed as a professor of genetic medicine at Hiroshima University Hospital. It is an urgent challenge to foster genetic medical literacy.
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Topic Bioethics
Cancer Treatment
SDGs 3 Good health and well-being 5 Gender equality 8 Decent work and economic growth 9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure 10 Reduced inequalities 12 Responsible consumption, production 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions 17 Partnerships for the goals
Educational Programs [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Medicine : Program of Medicine : Medicine
[Master's Program] Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences : Division of Integrated Health Sciences
[Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences : Division of Biomedical Sciences
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Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at]office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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