Faculty Information Details

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All data is as of January 27, 2025.


Affiliation Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine
Discipline Medical Life Science
Academic Degrees Kyoto University Ph.D.
Kyoto University M.S.
Research Fields Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Boundary medicine; Medical Physics and Radiological Technology
Environmental science; Environmental analyses and evaluation; Risk sciences of radiation and chemicals
Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Hygiene and public health
Research Keywords radiation measurement; dosimetry; radiological protection; nuclear emergency responses; risk assessment
Comments I was born in Kobe City, Japan. After working for radiation dosimetry, radiological protection and health risk assessment at National Institute of Radiological Sciences (Chiba, Japan), United Nations (Vienna, Austria), etc., I've been working in the Kasumi campus, Hiroshima University since October 2015.
I liked drawing illustrations and had drawn many cartoons in my childhood. Feeling that the task of researcher is similar with that of a cartoonist, as both have to write carefully polished stories based on the information independently investigated and own original ideas.
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Past media appearances
Topic Cancer Treatment
Radiation and Health
Society and Health
SDGs 3 Good health and well-being 4 Quality education 5 Gender equality 7 Affordable and clean energy 9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure 13 Climate action
Educational Programs [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Medicine : Program of Medicine : Medicine
[Master's Program] Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences : Division of Integrated Health Sciences : Program of Biomedical Science
[Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences : Division of Integrated Health Sciences : Program of Biomedical Science
[Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences : Division of Biomedical Sciences : Program of Radiation Biology and Medicine
Contact us for interview requests

Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at]office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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