Faculty Information Details

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All data is as of January 27, 2025.

Professor (Special Recognition)
Affiliation Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Discipline Ethics
Academic Degrees Kyoto University MA (Human and Environmental Studies)
Kyoto University PhD (Human and Environmental Studies)
Research Fields Humanities; Philosophy; Philosophy / Ethics
Humanities; Philosophy; Religious studies
Research Keywords Ethics / Applied Ethics (Bioethics) / Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) of Advanced Science, Engineering, and Medicine / Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) / Modern and Contemporary Japanese Philosophy and Ethics
Comments My current research interests lie primarily in issues concerning new and emerging technologies in practical ethics, particularly topics pertaining to synthetic embryology, in vitro gametogenesis and organogenesis, human-animal chimera research, genome/epigenome editing, artificial intelligence. Additionally, I am deeply invested in the methodology known as "empirical bioethics," which harmonizes theoretical and practical aspects to derive normative conclusions for real-world bioethical dilemmas.

In the realm of bioethics, I am currently engaged in a comprehensive meta-analysis of various ethical debates, alongside analytical philosophical reflections on the aforementioned topics. As for empirical bioethics, I am in the process of developing an innovative methodology for bioethics research. This methodology is being applied to address a pressing issue in the field of practical ethics, with the aim of generating normative recommendations that are firmly rooted in research practice.

My overarching goal is to establish ethical frameworks that can guide both research and clinical applications. Given the pressing nature of contemporary bioethical issues that are emerging globally, my work holds significant potential for advancing the field of bioethics both within Japan and on an international scale. Furthermore, it contributes to the resolution of real-world social and ethical problems that are emerging in tandem with advancements in biomedical research.
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Past media appearances
Topic Bioethics
Genome/DNA technology
New Technologies
Regenerative Medicine
SDGs 3 Good health and well-being 4 Quality education 9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure 10 Reduced inequalities 12 Responsible consumption, production 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions 17 Partnerships for the goals
Educational Programs [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Department of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Integrated Arts and Sciences
[Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : International Peace and Co-existence Program
[Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
[Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : International Peace and Co-existence Program
[Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program
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