Faculty Information Details

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All data is as of January 20, 2025.


Associate Professor
Affiliation The IDEC Institute
Discipline Environmental Earth Science
Academic Degrees University of Texas at Dallas 
Research Fields Environmental science; Environmental analyses and evaluation; Environmental impact assessment
Environmental science; Environmental analyses and evaluation; Environmental dynamic analysis
Research Keywords Climate system science, climate change, greenhouse gases, land use changes, model simulation, remote sensing
Comments I am conducting research activities to understand global warming and make accurate near-future predictions.

1. Under the anthropogenic global warming phenomenon in the modern era (NEO),
understand what is happening now

2. From the large-scale extinction crisis in the history of the earth,
understand what happened under past (PALEO) global warming events

I believe that by connecting 1 and 2, we can better understand global warming.
Profiles of Faculty
and Research
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Past media appearances
Topic Data Science
Earth Science
Weather and the Ocean
SDGs 13 Climate action 14 Life below water 15 Life on land
Educational Programs [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Integrated Arts and Sciences : Department of Integrated Global Studies : Integrated Global Studies
[Master's Program] Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society
[Master's Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : International Economic Development Program
[Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society
[Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences : Division of Humanities and Social Sciences : International Economic Development Program
Contact us for interview requests

Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at]office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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