Researcher Directory

All data is as of July 22, 2024.

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252 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
KABIR RUSSELL SARWAR psychometrics, learner beliefs, self-regulation, interoceptive sensibility, self-efficacy in intercultural communication, relaxation, experiential learning
KADOYA YOSHIHIKO Social sciences; Economics; Public finance / Public economy
Social sciences; Economics; Economic policy
Social sciences; Economics; Money / Finance
Social sciences; Economics; Economic statistics
Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Hygiene and public health
Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Epidemiology and preventive medicine
Complex systems; Social / Safety system science; Social systems engineering / Safety system
Health Economics, Aging Society, Gerontology, Financial Literacy, Social Security System, Long-Term Care, COVID-19, Loneliness & Social Isolation, Financial Fraud, Addiction, Work-Life Balance, Emotion Studies, Tactile Marketing, Behavior Modification
Kadoya Yutaka Interdisciplinary science and engineering; Nano / Micro science; Nano / Microsystems
Interdisciplinary science and engineering; Applied physics; Optical engineering, Photon science
Interdisciplinary science and engineering; Applied physics; General applied physics
Engineering; Electrical and electronic engineering; Electron device / Electronic equipment
Optics in nano structures and related devices / THz electromagnetic wave / quantum optics / Semiconductor / Molecular Beam Epitaxy
KAGAWA KOTA Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Clinical surgery; Neurosurgery epileptic focus / epilepsy / Electroencephalography / Magnetoencephalography
KAGEYAMA KAZUYA Social sciences; Education; Education on school subjects and activities geometry / computational thinking / mathematical thinking
KAIBORI MASAHIRO Complex systems; Social / Safety system science; Natural disaster / Disaster prevention science Sabo / Geographical circumstances / occurrence mechanism / Debris flow / debris flow disaster / Pore water pressure / weathered granite
KAIGA SAKIKO Humanities; History; History of Europe and America
Social sciences; Politics; International relations
Modern History / International Relations / the League of Nations / War and Peace / Intellectual History / Social History / International Law / Public Opinion / Liberal Internationalism / Democracy
Kajihara Yukio Mathematical and physical sciences; Physics; Mathematical physics / Fundamental condensed matter physics Physics of disordered materials / liquid-liquid transition / fluctuation / x-ray / Supercritical Fluid / Fluid Metal / Metal Nonmetal Transition
KAJIMOTO TSUYOSHI Engineering; Integrated engineering; Nuclear engineering radiation measurement
KAJIYA MIKIHITO Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Dentistry; Periodontology
KAKEE TOMOKO Social sciences; law; International law Conflict resolution, International law and institutions
Contact us for interview requests

Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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