Researcher Directory

All data is as of January 27, 2025.

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Carbon-Neutral Researcher


Carbon-Neutral Researcher

Researchers doing work related to carbon neutrality. (Hereafter referred to as Carbon-Neutral Researcher.)Carbon-Neutral Researchers work in a wide range of fields, including those outside of science and engineering such as social psychology, behavioral economics, environmental education, behavioral change, and administrative policy.

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
ADACHI YOHHEI Chemistry; Materials chemistry; Organic and hybrid materials Phosphorescent Materials Siloxanes Antifogging Materials CO2 Separation Membrane Water Separation Membrane Bismuth High refractive index polymer / Boron Conjugated polymer Fluoride Ion Sensing Solid-state fluorescence Organic dye Organic field-effect transistor Dye-sensitized solar cell Organic thin film solar cell Mechanofluorochromism
Imae Ichiro Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Polymer chemistry
Chemistry; Materials chemistry; Polymer / Textile materials
Thermal Battery (Thermoelectric Device) / Smart Window / Oprganic Photovoltaic (OPV) / Graphene / Lithium Ion Battery / Organic Field-Effect Transistor (OFET) / Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) / Well-Defined Structure / Photo- and Electroactive Material / Optoelectronic Device / Organic-Inorganic Hybrid
IWAMOTO YOKO Mathematical and physical sciences; Earth and planetary science; Geochemistry / Cosmochemistry
Environmental science; Environmental analyses and evaluation; Environmental dynamic analysis
Atmospheric aerosol / Cloud condensation nuclei / Biogeochemical cycles between atmosphere and ocean
Ueki Tatsuya Biology; Basic biology; Animal physiology / Animal behavior physiology/biochemistry / metal accumulation / rare metal recovery /waste recycling / metal-binding proteins / membrane metal transporters / metal reductases / vanadium / marine invertebrates / tunicates / ascidians / costal habitats / marine bacteria / metal-accumulating bacteria
USHIKI IKUO Engineering; Process / Chemical engineering; Properties in chemical engineering process / Transfer operation / Unit operation CCUS / Supercritical fluids / Porous materials / Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics / Separation / Reaction / Equilibrium and transport properties
ENDO TAKASHI Agricultural sciences; Forest and forest products science; Wood science
Chemistry; Materials chemistry; Polymer / Textile materials
Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Polymer chemistry
Cellulose, nanocellulose, wood flour, pulp, composite materials, bioethanol, molding processing
Ohshita Joji Chemistry; Materials chemistry; Organic and hybrid materials Organosilicon Polymer / OLED / halosilane / Organic Semi-conducting Materials / Unsaturated Silicon Species / Element-block Polymer
Okada Kazumasa Chemistry; Basic chemistry; Physical chemistry Reaction Dynamics / Soft X-Ray Photochemistry / Elementary Reaction / Molecular Spectroscopy
OKAMURA YOSHIKO Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Energy-related chemistry
Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Bio-related chemistry
Engineering; Process / Chemical engineering; Biofunction / Bioprocess
Biological Sciences; Genome science; Genome biology
biopolymer / Marine Biotechnology / Biomineralization / microbial genome / metagenome / Photosynthetic bacteria
Ogita Norio Mathematical and physical sciences; Physics; Condensed matter physics II helium|Skutterudite / lattice vibration|superfluid / turbulence|Raman scattering / Haldane|photon correlation / lattice vibration|Raman scattering / Raman scattering / Kondo semiconductor / number fluctuation / spin Peierls / borides
Obitsu Taketo Agricultural sciences; Animal life science; Animal production science lactating cows / digestion and metabolism / automatic milking system / milk / diestive tract / Protein / Amino acids / bioactive food components / mitigating greenhouse gas emission / animal feed
KATAGIRI KIYOFUMI Chemistry; Basic chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Chemistry; Materials chemistry; Inorganic industrial materials
Engineering; Material engineering; Inorganic materials / Physical properties
Chemistry; Materials chemistry; Organic and hybrid materials
Interdisciplinary science and engineering; Nano / Micro science; Nanomaterials chemistry
Chemistry; Materials chemistry; Device related chemistry
Complex systems; Biomedical engineering; Biomedical engineering / Biomaterial science and engineering
Supraceramics / Structurally colored materials / Organic-inorganic hybrid materials / Nanohybrid materials / Hydrothermal synthesis / Nanoparticles / Sol-gel method / Layer-by-layer assembly / Mixed-anion coumpounds
Sakamoto Atsushi Biology; Basic biology; Plant molecular biology / Plant physiology
Agricultural sciences; Agricultural chemistry; Applied biochemistry
Agricultural sciences; Agricultural chemistry; Plant nutrition / Soil science
Plant molecular physiology / Adaptation/acclimation / Metabolic physiology / Phytohormone / Stress tolerance / nitrogen metabolism / Sustainable growth / Algal bioenergy / Plant biotechnology
SASAKI YUTAKA Engineering; Electrical and electronic engineering; Power engineering / Power conversion / Electric machinery The Sophistication of Power Systems Planning, Operation, and Control / Development of the Prediction Algorithm for Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation / SOC Management of Stationary/Mobile Energy Storage System / Uncertainty Management of Variable Renewable Energy System / Power Electronics Application Using Virtual Synchronous Inverter / Construction of a Energy Management System by using Distributed Energy Resources / Robust Unit Commitment, Day-ahead Generation Schedule / Real-time Generation Dispatch / Day-ahead and Rea-time Forecasting Techniques for Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation and Electric Power Demand by using Neural Networks / Energy Management System for A Disaster
ZHOU YIMING Social sciences; Economics; Economic policy Urban spatial structure, Economic agglomeration, Urban environment, International trade theory
Contact us for interview requests

Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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