Researcher Directory

All data is as of July 22, 2024.

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Psychology Program

20 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
ABE KAZUAKI Social sciences; Psychology; Clinicapl s ychology Mental Health, Interpersonal Relationships
FUJIKAWA TAKUYA Social sciences; Psychology; Clinicapl s ychology Body-mind approach / executive function / Cognitive Control / Dohsa-hou
HARAMAKI YUTAKA Social sciences; Psychology; Clinicapl s ychology Dohsa-hou / Chronic Pain / Pain management / Psychological intervention / Psychological pain mechanisms
HASHIMOTO JUNYA Social sciences; Psychology; Experimental psychology autobiographical memory / voluntary and involuntary memory retrieval / time perspective
HIRAKAWA MAKOTO Social sciences; Psychology; Social psychology interpersonal communication / indirect communication / indirect speech act / indirect request
ISHIDA YUMI Social sciences; Psychology; Clinicapl s ychology Psychological assessment / Clinical drawinds(Fire in Landscape Technique) / Educational counseling / Projective technique / Clinical psychology in school
KAMBARA TOSHIMUNE Social sciences; Psychology; Educational psychology
Informatics; Human informatics; Cognitive science
Informatics; Human informatics; Kansei informatics
Social sciences; Psychology; Experimental psychology
Humanities; Philosophy; Religious studies
Complex systems; Brain sciences; Brain biometrics
Humanities; Linguistics; Linguistics
language / perception / action / emotion
KAMITE YUKA Social sciences; Psychology; Clinicapl s ychology identity, trauma, disability acceptance, youth and adolescent, psychoanalytic psychotherapy
LEE SUMIN Social sciences; Psychology; Social psychology Social Issues (Economic Inequality, Disparities, Socioeconomic Status) / Adversity, Traumatic events / Cognitive Thinking System / Stigma Management / Interpersonal Relationship
MORITA AIKO Social sciences; Psychology; Educational psychology reading / sentence / phonology / memory / color psychology / motivation / procrastination
nakao takashi Biological Sciences; Neuroscience; Neurophysiology / General neuroscience
Informatics; Human informatics; Cognitive science
Social sciences; Psychology; Experimental psychology
self / Decision making / Spontaneous brain activity / EEG / fMRI
NAKASHIMA KENICHIRO Social sciences; Psychology; Social psychology
Social sciences; Psychology; Educational psychology
Interpersonal Relations / Group Dynamics / Mental Health / Multivariate Statistical Analysis
NANBA SHUSHI Informatics; Human informatics; Cognitive science
Social sciences; Psychology; Experimental psychology
Communication / Emotion / Empathy / Facial Expressions
OGATA AKIKO Social sciences; Psychology; Clinicapl s ychology
SHIMIZU HISAYO Social sciences; Psychology; Clinicapl s ychology Social emotional learning / Emotional knowledge / Executive function / Problem behavior / Class wide social skills training / Child care / Parent training / Developmental disorders
Contact us for interview requests

Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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