Researcher Directory

All data is as of January 27, 2025.

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Earth and Planetary Systems Science Program

22 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
Ozawa Hisashi Mathematical and physical sciences; Earth and planetary science; Meteorology / Physical oceanography / Hydrology Non-equilibrium systems / Global fluids / Thermodynamics
SAITO MITSUYO Environmental science; Sustainable and environmental system development; Environmental and ecological symbiosis Environment, geology, groundwater, coastal zone, human activities, blue carbon
SHIBATA TOMOYUKI Mathematical and physical sciences; Earth and planetary science; Petrology / Mineralogy / Economic geology
Mathematical and physical sciences; Earth and planetary science; Solid earth and planetary physics
isotope / trace elements / magma / recycling / Petrology / Geochemistry
SHIRAISHI FUMITO Mathematical and physical sciences; Earth and planetary science; Geology
Mathematical and physical sciences; Earth and planetary science; Stratigraphy / Paleontology
Suda Naoki Mathematical and physical sciences; Earth and planetary science; Solid earth and planetary physics background free oscillations / slow earthquakes
YABUTA HIKARU Mathematical and physical sciences; Earth and planetary science; Geochemistry / Cosmochemistry Early Solar System, Organic molecules, Chemical evolution, Asteroids, Comets, Meteorites, Cosmic dusts, Space exploration, Sample return, GCMS, Synchrotron, Scanning transmission x-ray microscope (STXM), High resolution mass spectrometry
YOKOYAMA TADASHI Mathematical and physical sciences; Earth and planetary science; Petrology / Mineralogy / Economic geology Rock, Mineral, Weathering, Dissolution, Diffusion, Advection, Pore water
Contact us for interview requests

Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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