Researcher Directory

All data is as of January 27, 2025.

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Program of Dental Sciences

74 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
Sumi Kensaku Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Dentistry; Surgical dentistry
Takahashi Ichiro Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Basic medicine; Immunology Mucosal Immunity / Innate inflammation in the intestinal mucosa / Persistent symbiotic colonization of tissue resident macrophages with commensal bacteria / tissue resident macrophage / immunometabolism / Iron metabolism
TAKEDA KATSUHIRO Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Dentistry; Periodontology
Tanimoto Kotaro Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Dentistry; Orthodontics / Pediatric dentistry differentiation|mechanical stress / amelogenin|enamel / temporomandibular joint|hyaluronic acid synthetase / enamel|fluorosis / amelogenesis imperfecta|amelogenin / condylar cartilage|pyridinoline deoxypyridinoline / MMP-20|amelegenin / cleft palate|regeneration medicine
TERAYAMA RYUJI Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Boundary medicine; Pain science
Biological Sciences; Neuroscience; Nerve anatomy / Neuropathology
Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Basic medicine; General anatomy (including histology / embryology)
Glial cells / Central nervous system / Neuropathic pain
Tobiume Kei Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Dentistry; Functional basic dentistry
Tsuga Kazuhiro Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Dentistry; Prosthodontics / Dental materials science and Prosthodontics / Geriatric dentistry, Gerodontology / Oral function / Tongue
UCHIBE KENTA Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Dentistry; Morphological basic dentistry Bone, Cartilage, Tooth, Retinoic acid
YAMASAKI SACHIKO Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Dentistry; Surgical dentistry stem cell / Regenerative medicine
YANAMOTO SOICHI Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Dentistry; Surgical dentistry Oral Oncology, Circulating tumor cell, circulating tumor DNA, Liquid biopsy, Oral and Maxiilofacial Surgery, Sleep Dentistry
YANOSHITA MAKOTO Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Dentistry; Orthodontics / Pediatric dentistry
YOSHIKAWA MINEKA Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Dentistry; Prosthodontics / Dental materials science and Relationship between mastication and swallowing function / Gerodontology / Prosthodontics
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Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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