Researcher Directory

All data is as of July 22, 2024.

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Program of Public Health

14 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
AKITA TOMOYUKI Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Epidemiology and preventive medicine Mathematical epidemiology / Medical Statistics / Hygiene and Public Health
CHIMED OCHIR ODGEREL Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Hygiene and public health
KANNO KEISHI Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Clinical internal medicine; Gastroenterology Hepatic fibrosis / Hepatic lipid metabolism / Extracellular matrix / Renin-angiotensin system
KO KO Biology; Biological Science; Molecular biology
Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Epidemiology and preventive medicine
Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Hygiene and public health
epidemiology, surveillance, prevention, control, infectious disease, molecular, genomes, viral hepatitis, health services, public health
KUBO TATSUHIKO Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Hygiene and public health public health / Occupational health / Disaster medicine / Disaster public health / Disaster occupational health / International emergency assistance / J-SPEED / WHO EMT MDS
MIYAMORI DAISUKE Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Epidemiology and preventive medicine
Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Legal medicine
natural disaster / unnatural death / solitary death
NAGAO MASATAKA Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Legal medicine
Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Pharmacy; Medical pharmacy
Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Hygiene and public health
Noncholinergic mechanism of nerve agent / Rat having acquired resistance to paraquat / Analysis of paraquat resistant rat having head dysplasia / Medical toxicant immunoassay / Clinical forensic medicine
Namera Akira Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Legal medicine separation / biological materials / drugs / poisoning / Analysis / drugs / simple analysis / natural toxin / Drugs
SUGIYAMA AYA Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Hygiene and public health Epidemiology, Disease control, Preventive medicine, Public Health, Hygiene, Epidemiology of hepatitis virus infection, Epidemiology of Fatty liver disease, Epidemiology of COVID-19
TAHARA YU Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Basic medicine; Environmental physiology (including physical medicine and nutritional physiology) Circadian clock, Chronobiology, Chrono-nutrition, health science
YUMIYA YUI Medicine,dentistry, and pharmacy; Society medicine; Hygiene and public health public health / health literacy
Contact us for interview requests

Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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