Researcher Directory

All data is as of July 22, 2024.

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27 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
AWAZU AKINORI Biological Sciences; Genome science; Genome biology
Biology; Basic biology; Genetics / Chromosome dynamics
Informatics; Frontiers of informatics; Life / Health / Medical informatics
Agricultural sciences; Animal life science; Veterinary medical science
Biology; Biological Science; Biophysics
Theoretical Biology / Molecular cell biology / Basic medical science for cats and humans
FUJII MASASHI Mathematical and physical sciences; Physics; Biological physics / Chemical physics / Soft matter physics
Biological Sciences; Genome science; System genome science
Informatics; Human informatics; Kansei informatics
Biology; Biological Science; Biophysics
Theoretical Biophysics / Systems Biology
FUJIMORI SHOICHI Mathematical and physical sciences; Mathematics; Geometry Differential Geometry, Surface Theory
FUJIMOTO KOICHI symmetry / fluctuation / morphogenesis / mechanobiology / flower
HASHIMOTO SHINTARO Mathematical and physical sciences; Mathematics; Foundations of mathematics / Applied mathematics Bayesian Statistics / Higher order asymptotics / Information inequalities / Monte Carlo methods / Non-regular statistical models
HIRATA KENTARO Mathematical and physical sciences; Mathematics; Basic analysis Potential Theory
HONDA NAOKI Biological Sciences; Genome science; System genome science
Biology; Biological Science; Developmental biology
Informatics; Frontiers of informatics; Life / Health / Medical informatics
Informatics; Human informatics; Cognitive science
IIMA MAKOTO Mathematical and physical sciences; Physics; Mathematical physics / Fundamental condensed matter physics free-surface dynamics of rotating flow / binary fluid convection / bio-fluid mechanics
IMORI SHINPEI Informatics; Principles of Informatics; Statistical science Mathematical Statistics
INOUE AKIHIKO Mathematical and physical sciences; Mathematics; Basic analysis Representation Theorems in Finite Prediction, Toeplitz Matrices, Stochastic Processes with Memory, Mathematical Finance, Tauberian Theorems
KAMIMOTO SHINGO Mathematical and physical sciences; Mathematics; Basic analysis Asymptotic analysis, Algebraic analysis, Resurgent analysis
Kawashita Mishio Mathematical and physical sciences; Mathematics; Mathematical analysis
Kimura Shiyunichi Mathematical and physical sciences; Mathematics; Algebra Bloch's conjecture
KOREEDA YOSHIMUNE Mathematical and physical sciences; Mathematics; Algebra jet scheme / singular point of algebraic varieties / algebraic suface
KOTORII YUKA Knot theory / Low dimensional topology
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Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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