Researcher Directory

All data is as of January 27, 2025.

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3 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
Furukawa Masafumi Humanities; Literature; European literature German Literature / Judentum / Comparative Literature / Kafka
KOBAYASHI EKIKO Humanities; Literature; European literature
Humanities; Art studies; Aesthetics and studies on art
Drama of Lessing / German fables / Hypochondria and medicine in the German comedies in the Enlightenment age / German Comedies in the enlightenment age / History of German theatre / German lyric
SCHLARB HANS MICHAEL Humanities; Literature; European literature
Contact us for interview requests

Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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