Researcher Directory

All data is as of January 27, 2025.

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16 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
CHEN XINGCHEN Building structural system / Steel structure / seismic response analysis
ISHIGAKI AYA Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Town planning / Architectural planning Facilities planning / children's home / downsizing the living unit in chidren's home / group home for children in residential care / depopulation|residence / Sustainability / Observation
KINDAICHI SAYAKA Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Architectural environment / Equipment sustainable energy / unutilized energy / heat pump systems / energy savings
KUBOTA TETSU Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Architectural environment / Equipment Tropics|Urban heat island / Natural ventilation / Sustainable development / Energy-saving / Developing world / Tropics / Passive cooling / Life cycle assessment / Wind flow / Sustainable building assessment tool
MIURA HIROYUKI Complex systems; Social / Safety system science; Natural disaster / Disaster prevention science Earthquake Engineering / Spatial Data Analysis / Remote Sensing
MIZUTA SUSUMU History of Japanese Modern Architecture / History of Japanese Architecture
MORI TAKURO Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Building structures / Materials Construction and material for building, Timber structure
NAKAZONO TETSUYA Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Town planning / Architectural planning Architectural Design / Building Information Modeling / Temporary Architecture
Nishina Daisaku Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Architectural environment / Equipment Landscape / Psychological Evaluation / Energy Conservasion / Physiological Reaction / Water Space
SUMIKURA HIDEAKI Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Town planning / Architectural planning Construction System / Building System / Locality of Architecture / Local housing sysytem / Utilization of existing buildings and resources / Housing
TAGAWA HIROSHI Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Building structures / Materials building structure / steel structure / seismic design / connection / vibration control system
TAMURA SHOTA Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Town planning / Architectural planning
Engineering; Civil engineering; Civil engineering project / Traffic engineering
TANAKA TAKAHIRO Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Town planning / Architectural planning
Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Architectural environment / Equipment
Environmental science; Sustainable and environmental system development; Environmental policy and social systems
Community Design / Urban Environmental Planning / Disaster Mitigation / Green Infrastructure / Climate Change Adaptation / Urban Climate / Walkability / Landscapes in Urban and Rural Area / Renewable Energy / GIS
TERAMOTO ATSUSHI Engineering; Architecture and building engineering; Building structures / Materials Microbes / Concrete Engineering / Archtecture Materials
Contact us for interview requests

Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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