Faculty Information Details

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All data is as of January 27, 2025.


Affiliation Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life
Discipline Bioresource/Food Sciences
Academic Degrees Osaka Prefecture University Ph.D. in Agriculture
Osaka Prefecture University Master of Agriculture
Osaka Prefecture University Bachelor of Agriculture
Research Fields Agricultural sciences; Agricultural science in society and economy; Agricultural science in management and economy
Agricultural sciences; Agricultural science in society and economy; Agricultural science in rural society and development
Research Keywords Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas of Japan / marketing / people engaged in agriculture / agrociltural cooperative / vegetables and fruit / mandarin / wholesale market / Locally Producing and Locally Consuming / Thailand / tropical fruit
Comments I have researched about rural and agriculture of Japan and Asia by fieldwork since I became a researcher in 1994, with viewpoints of production structure, distribution structure and Organizational theory. So, the main themes of my research are followings. 1) Experimental study about structural change of agriculture, and maintenance method of agricultural producing districts, 2) Change of people and life situation in rural, and maintenance and resilience of rural villages, 3) rural management and strategy toward sustainable development, 4) Establishing the theory of Inter-local in rural area.
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Topic Food and Life Style
Living Organism/Plants and Animals
Society and Health
SDGs 1 No poverty 2 Zero hunger 3 Good health and well-being 4 Quality education 5 Gender equality 8 Decent work and economic growth 9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure 10 Reduced inequalities 11 Sustainable cities and communities 12 Responsible consumption, production 15 Life on land 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions 17 Partnerships for the goals
Carbon-Neutral Researcher I focus on the activities of farmers who are consistent with carbon neutral principles, inform them of their social significance, and help them build relationships that will contribute to their activities.
Educational Programs [Bachelor Degree Program] School of Applied Biological Science : Department of Applied Biological Science : Food Science Program
[Master's Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Food and AgriLife Science
[Doctoral Program] Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life : Division of Integrated Sciences for Life : Program of Food and AgriLife Science
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