Researcher Directory

All data is as of July 22, 2024.

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34 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
ABE MANABU Chemistry; Basic chemistry; Organic chemistry
Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Synthetic chemistry
Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Functional solid state chemistry
Complex systems; Biomolecular science; Chemical biology
Quantum Chemical Calculations / Orbital Theory / Reaction Mechanism / Organic Photochemistry
ABE MINORI geochemistry / heavy element chemistry / isotope fractionation / charge party violation / relativistic quantum chemistry
Ashida Yoshiyuki Agricultural sciences; Agricultural chemistry; Bioorganic chemistry
COSQUER GOULVEN Single molecule magnet; Lanthanide; coordination compound;
Fujiwara Yoshihisa Chemistry; Basic chemistry; Physical chemistry Magneto-Science / Magnetic Field / Magnetically Simulated Gravity / Magnetically Simulated Microgravity / Magnetically Simulated Hypergravity / Photochemistry
Haino Takeharu Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Functional solid state chemistry
Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Polymer chemistry
Molecular Recognition / Macrocycle / Polymer Chemistry / Supramolecular Chemistry
HIRAO TAKEHIRO Chemistry; Basic chemistry; Organic chemistry Supramolecular chemistry / Noncovalent polymer / Organic Chemistry
HISANO NAOYUKI Chemistry; Basic chemistry; Organic chemistry Supramolecular Chemistry / Noncovalent Polymer / Organic Chemistry
Inokuchi Yoshiya Chemistry; Basic chemistry; Physical chemistry
Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Functional solid state chemistry
Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Analytical chemistry
Photodissociation Spectroscopy / Surface Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy / Cold Spectroscopy in the Gas Phase / Mass Spectrometry / Cold Ion Trap / Intermolecular Interactions / Host-Guest Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry / Molecular Clusters / Electronic Structure / Molecular Structure
Inoue Katsuya Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Functional solid state chemistry Molecule-based Magnets
ISHIZAKA SHOJI Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Analytical chemistry Photochemistry / Aerosol / Laser trapping
IZUMI SYUNSUKE Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Bio-related chemistry Mass Spectrometry / Plant cells / Dynamics / Biotrans formation / Proteomics
Katayanagi Katsuo Biology; Biological Science; Structural biochemistry relationship of structure and function / Protein Crystallography
KOHGUCHI HIROSHI Chemistry; Basic chemistry; Physical chemistry Molecular Spectroscopy of Free Radicals
Contact us for interview requests

Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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