Researcher Directory

All data is as of January 27, 2025.

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Integrated Arts and Human Sciences Program

83 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
SHIN JAEYOUL Social sciences; Sociology; Sociology labor market, labor income, income redistribution attitudes, platform work, self-employment
SHINYA MASAHIRO Complex systems; Health / Sports science; Sports science
SHIRAKAWA TOSHIYUKI Social sciences; Sociology; Sociology
Social sciences; Education; Sociology of education
Sociology of education / Social stratification / Social mobility / Social statistics / Gender studies / STEM Education
SONOI YURI Social sciences; Sociology; Sociology Sociology
SUGIURA YOSINORI Social sciences; Psychology; Clinicapl s ychology Mindfulness / Psychopathology / criminal psychology
TAFERNER ROBERT HORST Humanities; Linguistics; English linguistics Pragmatics, L2 Writing, Second Language Acquisition, Task-Based Language Teaching, Psycholinguistics, Globalization
TANAKA RYO Complex systems; Biomedical engineering; Rehabilitation science / Welfare engineering
Complex systems; Health / Sports science; Applied health science
rehabilitation / physical therapy / human body movement / exercise therapy / walking / pain / elderly people / osteoarthritis / preventive care / epidemiology
TODA MOTOMU Environmental science; Environmental analyses and evaluation; Environmental impact assessment Terrestrial forest carbon cycling, atmosphere-biosphere interaction, Forest dynamics, Phenology
Tsuchiya Akio Environmental science; Sustainable and environmental system development; Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system evaporation / Sap flow / Amazonia / soil CO2 / Micro-climate / tree-ring / vessel
Tsuji MANABU Humanities; Literature; European literature the Catholic Epistles / Paul / Pastoral Epistles / Pseudepigraphy / Early Christianity / New Testament
TSUJI TERUYUKI Humanities; Cultural anthropology; Cultural anthropology
Social sciences; Sociology; Sociology
Humanities; Philosophy; Area studies
Religion; Immigration & Diaspora; Race & Ethnicity; Gender & Sexuality; Social Capital & Civic Engagement; Trans/Nationalism; History & Ethnography; the Caribbean; the United States
UCHIYAMA NAOKO Humanities; Art studies; Fine art history 20th Century Art History, Modernisms, West, Race and Ethnicity, Transnationalism, Gender
UWAIZUMI KOUKI Complex systems; Health / Sports science; Sports science Theory of Culuture on Body and Mind / Ecological Training / Tactical Periodization / Methodology of Soccer Training / Thought of Sport / Theory of Body
Wada Masanobu Complex systems; Health / Sports science; Sports science muscle fatigue / Skeletal muscle / excitation-contraction coupling / exercise / Isoform / sarcolasmic reticulum
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Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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