Researcher Directory

All data is as of January 27, 2025.

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Cluster 3(Applied Chemistry, Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering)

66 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
ADACHI YOHHEI Chemistry; Materials chemistry; Organic and hybrid materials Phosphorescent Materials Siloxanes Antifogging Materials CO2 Separation Membrane Water Separation Membrane Bismuth High refractive index polymer / Boron Conjugated polymer Fluoride Ion Sensing Solid-state fluorescence Organic dye Organic field-effect transistor Dye-sensitized solar cell Organic thin film solar cell Mechanofluorochromism
Aki Tsunehiro Agricultural sciences; Agricultural chemistry; Applied microbiology
Engineering; Process / Chemical engineering; Biofunction / Bioprocess
AOI YOSHITERU Agricultural sciences; Agricultural chemistry; Applied microbiology
Engineering; Process / Chemical engineering; Biofunction / Bioprocess
Biology; Basic biology; Biodiversity / Systematics
Uncultivated microorganisms, Microbial cultivation, Microbial dormancy and resuscitation, Environmental microorganisms, Bioresources
Arakawa Kenji Agricultural sciences; Agricultural chemistry; Bioorganic chemistry Regulation of secondary metabolism / Genome mining / Secondary metabolites / biosynthesis
Fujie Makoto Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Green / Environmental chemistry
Engineering; Process / Chemical engineering; Biofunction / Bioprocess
Biology; Basic biology; Morphology / Structure
bacteriophage / genome editing / symbiosis / cell / cell biology / plastid / micro algae / plant pathogen
FUKASAWA TOMONORI Engineering; Process / Chemical engineering; Properties in chemical engineering process / Transfer operation / Unit operation
Fukui Kunihiro Engineering; Process / Chemical engineering; Properties in chemical engineering process / Transfer operation / Unit operation Nano Particle / Powder Handling Process / Aerosol / Size Classification / Numerical Simulation / Recycle / Microwave / Dust Collection / Biomass
Fukuoka Hiroshi Chemistry; Materials chemistry; Inorganic industrial materials Superconductor / High pressure synthesis / fuel cell / proton conductor
FUNABASHI HISAKAGE Engineering; Process / Chemical engineering; Biofunction / Bioprocess
Gotoh Takehiko Engineering; Process / Chemical engineering; Properties in chemical engineering process / Transfer operation / Unit operation functional polymer / polymergel / environmental responsive / phase-transition / kinetics / rheology / adsorption / Gel / polymer
HIRANO TOMOYUKI Engineering; Process / Chemical engineering; Reaction engineering / Process system
Engineering; Process / Chemical engineering; Properties in chemical engineering process / Transfer operation / Unit operation
Chemical Engineering / Particle technology / Flame synthesis
HIROTA RYUICHI Agricultural sciences; Agricultural chemistry; Applied microbiology environmental biotecnology / bacteria / inorganic phosphorus compounds / reduced phosphorus compounds / molecular biology
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Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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