Researcher Directory

All data is as of January 27, 2025.

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Sociology of Education

15 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
ISHIDA YOKO Social sciences; Education; Sociology of education International Cooperation in Education Development, Policy Evaluation, Program Evaluation, Project Evaluation, Project Management, School Management, School Evaluation
KUSAKABE TATUYA Social sciences; Education; Sociology of education Islamic Area Studies / South Asia / Comparative Education
MAKI TAKAYOSHI Social sciences; Education; Sociology of education
MIWA CHIAKI Social sciences; Education; Sociology of education Early Childhood Care and Education, Developing countries, International educational cooperation, Effectiveness studies
NAKAYAMA AKIKO Humanities; Linguistics; Japanese language education
Social sciences; Education; Sociology of education
Life stories / Cross-Cultural education / Sociology of education / Teaching Japanese as a Second/ Foreign Language
OGAWA MITSUHIRO Career Education / Youth Studies / Vocational Education & Training / Transition from school to job / Sociology of Education
OGAWA YOSHIKAZU Social sciences; Education; Sociology of education Comparative and International Education / Educaton for Ethnic Minoriteis / Graduate Education Reform / International Student Issues / College-bound Education / Teacher Issues / Global Education / Asia / China / South Korea
OMORI MARIKO Social sciences; Education; Education Social history of education / Child protection / Welfare / Immigrants
SAKATA NOZOMI Social sciences; Education; Sociology of education Education and International Cooperation / Comparative Education / Pedagogy / Educational Policy Analysis / Mixed Methods
SAKURAI RIHO Social sciences; Education; Sociology of education intercultural understanding / Inclusive Education / Research on Diversity & Inclusion / Comparative education
Tsunematsu Naomi Humanities; Linguistics; Japanese language education
Social sciences; Education; Sociology of education
Humanities; Philosophy; Gender
Humanities; Cultural anthropology; Cultural anthropology
Japanese Studies, Japanese Language / Connection of High School and University / Internship for International Students, Serviceship, Active Learning, International Experiential Learning, Cooperation of International Students and Local Society / Higher education, International Students Education, International Education, Cross-cultural Education / Intercultural Education, Cultural Adjustment and Re-adjustment, Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock, Holistic Support System for International Students, Intercultural cohesion / International Education Exchange / Regional Cooperation, Industry-Academic Collaboration / Consciousness, Consciousness Transformation, Spirituality & Education / Gender Theories
Yamada Hiroyuki Social sciences; Education; Sociology of education Teacher Training / Secondary School Teachers / Historical Sociology
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E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
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