Researcher Directory

All data is as of July 22, 2024.

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Cultural Anthropology

10 results

Name Research Fields Research Keywords
MATSUSHIMA TAKESHI Humanities; Cultural anthropology; Cultural anthropology Shizengaku, Ecological turn, Zomia, Mental Health, Italy, Territorio, Local Bio-Social Sphere, Cultures of fermentation, Ontological Politics
NAGASAKA ITARU Humanities; Cultural anthropology; Cultural anthropology
Humanities; Philosophy; Area studies
Social sciences; Sociology; Sociology
migration / transnationalism / Philippines / 1.5 generation / masculinity / Italy / family / kinship / marriage migration / housing policy
NASHIO SEIJI Japanese language education / Multimodal analysis / Interaction / Cognitive science
NISHI MAKOTO Humanities; Cultural anthropology; Cultural anthropology Medical Anthropology, Global Health
NISHINA YOKO Humanities; Linguistics; Linguistics
Humanities; Linguistics; Japanese linguistics
Humanities; Linguistics; Japanese language education
General linguistics, Language typology, Contrastive linguistics, Functional linguistics, Japanese as a second language, foreign language education
Seki Koki Humanities; Cultural anthropology; Cultural anthropology
Humanities; Philosophy; Area studies
Anthropology of Social Policy and Development / Anthropology of Civil Society and Citizenship / Ethnography of Welfare and Security / risk, uncertainty, and precarity / Post-neoliberalism and "the Social" / Globalization and Migration / Governmentality and Subjectivity / The Philippines
TSUJI TERUYUKI Humanities; Cultural anthropology; Cultural anthropology
Social sciences; Sociology; Sociology
Humanities; Philosophy; Area studies
Religion; Immigration & Diaspora; Race & Ethnicity; Gender & Sexuality; Social Capital & Civic Engagement; Trans/Nationalism; History & Ethnography; the Caribbean; the United States
YOSHIDA MARIKO Sociocultural anthropology / Environmental anthropology / Multispecies ethnography / Political ecology / Feminist STS / Interspecies labor in the Anthropocene / Oyster aquaculture
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Hiroshima University, Public Relations Group
E-mail: koho[at] (Change [at] into @)
1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511

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